How to Cool Angel Food Cake Without Glass Bottle

How to Cool Angel Food Cake Without Glass Bottle

If you’ve ever made angel food cake, you know how important it is to cool it properly. It’s not as simple as just letting it sit on the counter. Angel food cake needs to be cooled in a specific way to keep it from becoming soggy or overly dense. But what if you don’t have a glass bottle or other container to cool it in? Don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to cool angel food cake without a glass bottle. In this article, we’ll be discussing the different ways you can cool your angel food cake without a glass bottle.

What is Angel Food Cake?

Angel food cake is a type of light and airy cake made with egg whites, sugar, and flour. It’s usually made in a tube pan and is typically served with whipped cream or a glaze. It’s a popular dessert choice for many occasions, including birthdays, weddings, and other celebrations. It’s also a great choice for a light and refreshing dessert.

The Importance of Cooling Angel Food Cake

Cooling angel food cake is important because it helps to maintain the cake’s texture and flavor. If angel food cake isn’t cooled correctly, it can become soggy and dense. This is because the cake needs to cool slowly to allow the steam to escape and the cake to set. If the cake is cooled too quickly or not cooled at all, the texture will suffer.

How to Cool Angel Food Cake Without a Glass Bottle

Fortunately, there are several ways to cool angel food cake without a glass bottle. Here are some of the most popular methods.

Cooling Angel Food Cake Using Ice

One of the easiest and most popular methods for cooling angel food cake without a glass bottle is to use ice. To do this, simply place the cake on a plate and surround it with a few handfuls of ice. The ice will help to cool the cake slowly and evenly, allowing the steam to escape. Be sure to keep the cake on the plate and not directly on the ice to avoid sogginess.

Cooling Angel Food Cake Using a Metal Bowl

Another great way to cool angel food cake without a glass bottle is to use a metal bowl. Simply place the cake in the bowl and fill it with cold water. This will help to cool the cake evenly. Be sure to replace the water with fresh cold water every five minutes or so to keep it cool.

Cooling Angel Food Cake Using a Wire Rack

If you don’t have a metal bowl, you can also cool angel food cake using a wire rack. Place the cake on the wire rack and set it on top of a baking tray filled with cold water. This will help to cool the cake evenly and slowly. Again, be sure to replace the water with fresh cold water every five minutes to keep it cool.

Cooling Angel Food Cake Using a Wooden Board

Another great way to cool angel food cake without a glass bottle is to use a wooden board. Simply place the cake on the board and set it in the refrigerator. This will help to cool the cake evenly and slowly. Be sure to check the cake every few minutes to make sure it’s not cooling too quickly.

Tips for Cooling Angel Food Cake

When cooling angel food cake, it’s important to remember a few key tips. First, always make sure the cake is completely cooled before serving. This will help to retain the cake’s flavor and texture. Second, be sure to cool the cake in a cool and dry place. If possible, try to cool the cake in an area that is not in direct sunlight. Lastly, always let the cake cool completely before storing it in an airtight container.


Cooling angel food cake is an important step in the baking process. If the cake is not cooled properly, it can become soggy and dense. Fortunately, there are several ways to cool angel food cake without a glass bottle. These include using ice, a metal bowl, a wire rack, and a wooden board. Be sure to remember these tips when cooling your angel food cake to ensure the best results. Now that you know how to cool angel food cake without a glass bottle, you can enjoy delicious and fluffy angel food cake anytime!


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